Your IP Address is: IP Address Statistics
Org:AS16509, Inc.
IP Address18.221.198.45
Latitude 39.9612
Longitude -82.9988

IP Address Geographical Location

Why do you need IP address geolocation tool?


You can check your IP address quickly. This is very useful if you have dynamic IP address and you need to know your IP without going through complicated online tools or browser extensions.

Also, you can search or check hostname and your internet provider company (organization).

You can check state and the town of IP address you have entered into our search as well as geographical data, longitude and latitude if you want to enter them into Google Earth or any other map provider. It is provided Google map with pin-pointed location of the IP address.

Why would I need to check IP address?

IP Location Map

With this search engine tool you can access data needed for Whois check out, internet speed and various benchmark tests, IP address look up and much more.

Also, being familiar with your own IP address is necessary for tech and IT support, online gaming, managing websites and using remote connections between computers.

At you can use this and other tools for free.