Free Online Plagiarism Checker
Check your text for plagiarism
The article (text) you enter is carefully separated into to smaller chunks and compared with Google’s search results. When the process finishes, you will get the overview and the statistics of the content that is unique on the Internet, and the content that is not. Any slavish or plagiaristic content that was traced from the Internet will be marked red in the search results.
It is possible that common phrases might trigger red flags and you should not give too much attention to them. But… If you see complete sentences that are not original, you should change them and by doing so, get the benefits of being a unique content supplier.
Why You Should Use a Plagiarism Check Tool for SEO Purposes

Content is king online and developing a quality selection of content is beneficial to any website looking to increase their brand awareness online. One of the best ways to do this is through SEO, (Search Engine Optimization). When you are in the process of developing your websites brand awareness, the first steps you want to take is to develop your content.
Quality Content
You want to develop quality content more than anything else you do online. Ask yourself this question when you are working to develop your content, does your content reach out to people? Do you offer any real value in your content? If your answers are no, then something is really wrong.
In order to gain the audience and customer base you are looking for, you really have to speak to them. With so much information online at the drop of a hat, you don’t want something written that others have written before. You want to create original, quality content. That is why by using a plagiarism check tool you can ensure your content is 100% unique.
After creating great quality content, the second most important key in a successful SEO campaign is the proper keyword. When people are searching online, their common keywords are saved. By utilizing keyword research, you can ensure you are creating content around the most searched keywords. This will help to ensure your content moves up on the list in the search engine results. Because, if your goal is to attract an audience you have to rank it high up.
Before starting the process of writing all your content around your keywords, you will want to ensure it is 100% original and unique. With the use of free online plagiarism checker, you can make sure all content that goes up on your site is unique and hasn’t been written before.
Fresh Content
Search engines are in love with new and fresh content. So one sure way to boost your rankings is to ensure you write fresh, quality, new content. In order to make sure all content is fresh and unique, using a free plagiarism check can help to make sure you post the freshest content around.
When you are working on boosting your rankings for your website, using the proper SEO campaign can help to achieve this goal. Developing unique content with the help of a free online plagiarism checker can help to make sure your efforts do not go unnoticed.
By creating the fresh, new content, you can ensure your posts will rank higher in the search results to attract that target audience you have been searching for.