Check Domain
Check Domain is a free analyze tool that can help you learn your overal Internet rank.
The "Check Domain" helps you check your page structure, page ranks, traffic rankings, backlinks, authority links, indexed pages in the most popular search engines, links from social networks, domain authority, domain age and many other metrics. Analyze your keyword performance in various databases, WhoIs and hosting information, check websites reputation and see if the site is considered safe by others.
Check Domain is a free analytic and SEO tool that can help you find out your overall Internet ranking.

If you enter yours (or any other) URL into the ‘Check Domain’ you will, in a few seconds, have access to various useful data that can help you manage your SEO strategy.
This useful tool will check your page structure, page ranks, traffic rankings, indexed pages in leading and most popular search engines, backlinks, and links from social media networks, authority links, domain authority, domain age and many other metrics. It will analyze your keywords in various databases, check website reputation and verify if the site is considered to be safe by others.
After this check, you can read about your overall internet ranking in the summary of your website. Also, you can learn about statistic and important information, Alexa statistic and speed test. You can check your top keywords and keyword density, WhoIs information, backlinks and indexed pages, estimate website traffic and revenue and much more.
You can utilize this information to verify if your SEO strategy is working for you, or to find out where and what to change to boost your ranking.
At, you can use this and other tools for free.